Fallout: Wasteland Warfare

Now Available On Your Phone!

About the App

The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare app is more than a mere list builder, making it easier than ever to keep track of the whirling maelstrom of conflict in the desolate wastes of the future. You can track damage, status tokens, and have quick access to all of your equipment stat cards in one place. You can even have the app generate a random AI force and calculate their behaviour for you.

Since we announced the open beta back in June 2020, I've been hard at work making improvements based on your feedback, including a fully guided Settlement Tracker, a random force generator and a card reference library.

You can try all of the app's features completely free with the same unit cards and equipment you get in the core box set. Additional cards are available as in app purchases at a fraction of the price of their physical counterparts.

App Preview: Battle App Preview: Unit Card App Preview: Unit Select App Preview: Use Weapon App Preview: Unit Details


I would love to hear about how easy or hard the app is to use, as well as any bugs that you may find. And if there are any killer features you want to see, let me know. All feedback should go directly to fallout@maloric.com. Or if you'd like to leave a review on your chosen platform, it would be greatly appreciated. Unless you're just complaining about the price of card packs. I have already addressed that particular topic in depth in an article I wrote about pricing.

About the Developer

I'm Jamie Morris, a husband, father, and professional software developer with a love of all things Fallout. Originally a hobby project, the app has grown into the official licensed companion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, and I've brought over a decade of experience to bear on making it the best in the industry. You can contact me on the email address above or by joining the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Facebook group, where I can often be found answering questions or providing updates.